Plants That Grow Well in Containers


Often the first choice of most people when growing vegetables in containers, and one of the most popular growing fruits in the world.
You can also grow tomatoes upside down for more fun and a slightly higher yield.
Good soil, and getting the watering just right is the key to success.
A great candidate for growing vegetables in containers. You can get a surprisingly large yield by growing them in tubs or even plastic bags (I use rubble bags and old (large) compost bags
Surprisingly easy to grow and you can enjoy large yields in the right growing conditions, but don't plant them out until early summer - they don't like the cold!
Green Beans / Runner Beans
Expensive to buy in the supermarkets, cheap to grow! They drink water like it's going out of fashion, but with the right soil, and some well-positioned canes, the results can be fabulous!
There are plenty of high-yielding varieties out there nowadays that will provide you with pounds and pounds of food as long as you stick to some simple rules which Sweet corn
Sugar buns and quikie varieties fair well in pots. They taste fantastic. Containers need to be deep. Personally I would only choose sweet corn If I had ample room to spare. They require full sun and a fair amount of your premium growing space for what will be a relatively small yield. There are many other higher yielding vegetables that will produce much more food per square foot in your premium growing areas than sweet corn.
Require full or partial sun, ideal for those areas of the garden that spend some of the time in shade. Some hybrid versions can be ready in as little as 30 days, plus you can cook the leaves as greens.
Growing carrots is a very simple and straightforward process, But there are a couple of things you need to know. They do particularly well in containers, but they are also usually extremely cheap to buy. Something worth bearing in mind when growing vegetables in containers if your space is limited and you could use the valuable space to grow more expensive vegetables instead.
Peppers and Chilli's
Otherwise referred to as Capsicum. A 5 litre pot is a good growing venue for each plant to prevent stunted low yields. Click here for my page on growing Peppers and Chilli's.
Fabulously healthy berries high in antioxidants but need warm summers to ripen. They also require acid or 'ericaceous' soil and rain water (not tap water). Pine needles from a forest will help condition your soil. Click here for my page on growing blueberries.
Green Onions
Easy to grow. Can be grown from seed, or saved from a regular onion root section that you remove when cooking.
Very popular grown in pots and window boxes. Slow germination time - requires heat, so use your airing cupboard! Also requires a rich soil.
Just like parsley, this is another herb that is popular grown in pots and window boxes. It hates the cold and frost will kill it off. Takes a couple of weeks to germinate from seed.
Possibly one of the easiest and most fun vegetables to grow, on the planet. A great way to get the kids hooked on the wonderful hobby of growing vegetables in containers.
They like a firm bed and partial shade. Acid soil encourages club root and limits growth, so add lime when preparing the pot for transplanting.
When growing vegetables in containers, Lettuce is an excellent choice. Easy to grow. They prefer shade in the summer and a well-drained soil. Watering should be in the morning. Do not overcrowd and watch out for the aphids. 

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